miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2009
My favorite websites, let me guess, videogames XD

sábado, 24 de octubre de 2009

Personally I think that in my field there are many characters that emphasize for their own artistic language and their manner to make architecture, but one that his works really inspired me is the Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava.
Santiago Calatrava unify three fields in his work, he’s sculptor, architect and engineering, the result, works that are not only a conventional building, those works are really an organism, a person can see the structure that support the complex, his language it’s innovator in the line of many contemporary architect but he have an own character making that the structure of the building be the artistic expression of itself, in many other buildings of another architecture the structure it’s very conventional and the novel expression is in the skin or in the element that surround and dress the building (envolvente or piel like we said in our architectural jargon XD), not enough with that, the fact that Calatrava is Sculptor, Architect, and Engineering gives him autonomy in his own projects, so the traditional conflict between architecture and structure, that in many cases can end affecting the project of architecture, are solved by the same individual and makes the project more of his own creator.
Some of his emblematic works are The city of the arts and the sciences of Valencia; The auditorium of Tenerife, the Turning Torso of Malmö, Sweden; BCE Building of Toronto, Canada; the Alamillo bridge, Sevilla; Bridge of the Woman, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Lieja Guillemins Station, Brujas.
Animal Rights in Chile

Does Chile have a politic about the animal rights? I think that Chile doesn’t. First of all we have to know that the environment care is a topic relatively recent in our country, even today that’s not a very clear topic. It’s not necessary to be an expert to know this, it’s enough to see the newspaper or news television, an emblematic event was the contamination of the Cruces River in the Region of the Rivers in Valdivia, the enterprise behind this sad and horrible event was the Celulosa Arauco: because of the industrial waste they left in the river the famous natural sanctuary, with the beautiful black neck swans, was doom.
Many people in Valdivia talked about events of many swans falling down dead on the roof of their houses, many of the swans dead, and the survivals emigrated to another locations, the Natural Sanctuary of the Cruces River will never be the same. However, the most shameful thing of this event was the inefficient actions of the authority, the Provincial Government, the Intendant, all the sectors of the government and the authority turn a blind eye to this disaster, even they dared to question the results of the investigation of the University Austral in Valdivia, all this to protect the interest of the industry of Celulosa Arauco, all in front of the impotents eyes of the media and people.
Remembering this terrible event I must say that I know that some condition that make easier to the industries, national and international, to put in a country like ours from the third world are the low labors, and the absence of the regulation in environment topics. So, we could say that parts of our progress and prosperity hope are put in the industrialization of our country, but, which is the cost of this progress? Do we agree to sacrifice the natural patrimony of all the Chileans for to live a little better, ignoring that the nature is the base of our civilization? What will still for to our children?
miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2009
My best friends

This is Chure And this is Chigua
It’s hard to me to talk about my best friends, no because I don’t have one, it’s because I have more than one best friend XD, and a lot of people that are my friends too and they are very special for me, but for the class effects I can’t make a text very extended, so I’ll talk about two of my best friends in my life. Sorry to the rest of you guys u,u! You know that you’re very special for me XD!
The first person I want to talk about is my best friend from the school Rodrigo Lagos, he calls like me XD. Rodrigo, or Chure (how we the friends call him because of his big ears XD), is my friend since the seven years old. We met in the first grade in the basic education. The people have many things in common when they’re children, so when we met we play together to the same children games, see the same cartoons, and make another thing, but all start because we had the same name XD. The differences between us manifested when we get to the teenage, Chure is very cheerful and sociable, I’m a person very shy in many kinds of things, but he always integrate me in the ambient and always have a good time with my other friends; he very likes the parties, I like them too but not very much like him XD, I’ prefer take free time reading, drawing, hearing music or play my videogames, but I think that our different are the things that make us complementary and that’s the base or our good and large friendship, for example, I’m very good studying and he isn’t XD, so in the school we study together to help him, but like he’s not good at the study he’s a very good musician and I respect him very much in that topic . Our characters are different too, that makes that we have some fights occasionally, but not to the level of a fall out.
The other person that I want to talk is a friend of mine or the university, we met in the first year but he left in the second year, he realized that the career wasn’t his think, so he studies pedagogy now, and I admire him very much for that change because he preferred his vocation before a profitable career that wouldn’t he happy. His name is Christian Chiguailaff, but we the friends call him “Chigua” XD, and in many ways he is very similar to Chure, but I told that he’s even more cheerful that Chure XD, but we have things in common too, he likes the japan animation and the videogames like me, he likes to read too and we two are very good studying XD, but the university it’s not the same as the school u,u.
For to finish I would like to chare something, in my last birthday (September 15th 2009) I was working to the university even we supposedly have holydays for the national parties, and I arrived very late to my house, but what happens? SURPRISE!!! I found up that many of my friends organized a surprise party for me, friend from the school arrived to my house and they met with other friends from the university, it was very funny and beautiful, Chure was there of course, but Chigua wasn’t because he’s not in the same university, but we always take time meet us, and we always are in contact with each other. I shared this to demonstrate that I don’t have two best friend, I have a lot of biggest, special and best friend XD.
miércoles, 9 de septiembre de 2009
Piece of Technology
The videogames, I think, are an alternative to the movies, even though they start only for simples entertainments or distractions; in the present time the videogames have to offer not only that but the possibility to move in an artificial world; there are many stories tell not only in the books but in the videogames, with an incredible quality of graphics, colors, textures; you can interact with other people too by the videogames, playing online, making armies, teams, tournaments, etc.; this versatility it’s possible thanks to a revolution technologic: the evolution from the two dimension graphics (2D) to the three dimension graphics (3D), making the videogames more realistic and credible; the videogames are not only a distraction with basics functions and goals or stages anymore, the videogames are now alternative of different artificial worlds when we can contextualize a story, a friendship, a tournament with friends in different parts of the world, etc.
Making videogames now isn’t a hobby of idle people, it’s a really design process that includes the creativity and imagination; and the videogames are not only the hobbies that were once, in the present Time they are a really piece of art, and an admirable piece of technology.
miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2009
The pronunciation, from the bbc website
So, i want to now more about these symbols for to practice and make better my pronunciation. And thats all i can say about the inglish and the bbc website have to ofer to learn it.
Let's learn to pronunciate XD.