miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2009

The pronunciation, from the bbc website

The bbc website have very interesting topics about how to learn english, an in my particular case i like the parte dedicate to the pronunciation symbols: i think it's very usefull for to we can practice the adecuate pronunciation, yi could learn tha in the inglish they use twenty six letters of the latin alphabet (the occidental) but the diferents sounds in english can be at least forty. I must asume that in this way the english it's more dificult that the spanish, even though i heard that the spanish it's one of the ,ost dificult lenguajes to learn and that i'm proud of it XD. In the spanish for example we only have the five vocals: a, e, i, o, u; but in the english that five sounds are not enought, thera are mixtures of vocal sounds, not to mentión the consonants, so the english coulb be more simply than the spanish in terms of conjugación and granal, but in pronunciation it's a diferent story, and that gives and own calue to the english.

So, i want to now more about these symbols for to practice and make better my pronunciation. And thats all i can say about the inglish and the bbc website have to ofer to learn it.

Let's learn to pronunciate XD.

2 comentarios:

  1. Yeah you're right, pronunciation is a whole topic.

    We may write down pretty well, but when it comes to speak fluently it gets much tougher.

    I hope everyone keeps getting better on it.

  2. HEy i also am so intetrested in learn to inprove my pronunciation in english!
    wish us luck! bye
