My favorite website, mm. Well, I must begin telling that today I have many interests that make me visit many websites; topic like fantasy art, Japan animation, books, history, videogames, that kind of things, are some of my hobbies that make me go to very different websites. But remembering my teenage, when I was more amateur with the videogames, I frequented a website of a famous videogame, a classic into the classics, Resident Evil (of Biohazard in Japan). It wasn’t the official website of the game, but was the more complete nonofficial website of Resident Evil that I ever seen in that age.
The website was originally metropoliglobal.residentevil.com, it was metropoliglobal because of the server, or the supplier, or something in the computer slang that is Chinese for me XD. Then the website was http://www.residentevilsh.com/ , and it still like that today.
I discovered the website looking for information about the game, I haven’t played all the titles and I want to know more about the plot to understand the entire story. It had much information, and all organized the story of every title, the enemy, the weapons, the characters, and the most interesting for me, the maps. Usually the game begins in a big mansion, with a gloomy and horrorific atmosphere, and ends in a secret laboratory, very strange, right? XD, but the more attractive of the game for me was precisely the mansions, things like old castles, large palaces always were interesting, maybe those kinds of things made me study architecture.
I visited it a lot, long time ago, but now with the university I didn’t have time to visit it more frequently, sometimes I visit it, and are new things, but I feel a little nostalgic XD, I supposed that many of us have a beautiful or funny reminds of our past.
It is really interesting to see the diversity among you guys. This sounds like a good webstie for those into pc games.