Personally I think that in my field there are many characters that emphasize for their own artistic language and their manner to make architecture, but one that his works really inspired me is the Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava.
Santiago Calatrava unify three fields in his work, he’s sculptor, architect and engineering, the result, works that are not only a conventional building, those works are really an organism, a person can see the structure that support the complex, his language it’s innovator in the line of many contemporary architect but he have an own character making that the structure of the building be the artistic expression of itself, in many other buildings of another architecture the structure it’s very conventional and the novel expression is in the skin or in the element that surround and dress the building (envolvente or piel like we said in our architectural jargon XD), not enough with that, the fact that Calatrava is Sculptor, Architect, and Engineering gives him autonomy in his own projects, so the traditional conflict between architecture and structure, that in many cases can end affecting the project of architecture, are solved by the same individual and makes the project more of his own creator.
Some of his emblematic works are The city of the arts and the sciences of Valencia; The auditorium of Tenerife, the Turning Torso of Malmö, Sweden; BCE Building of Toronto, Canada; the Alamillo bridge, Sevilla; Bridge of the Woman, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Lieja Guillemins Station, Brujas.
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